Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Logo shmogo? Is a logo that important?

The answer to any business, big or small, is absolutely

That is what identifies you – that is what your customers will remember you by – and, very important in this economy, is what will make your marketing efforts be three times as efficient (meaning you invest less and get more). 
Look at the outcry in October when Gap introduced their new logo. The response was so negative and so strong that the company actually quickly pulled it. MP Mueller writes on the NY Times blog: 
 “While we often think we know what’s best for our business, we can’t miss the step these days of talking to our staff and customers when we are making major changes…Today’s customer wants to be consulted, or at the very least kept in the know…The goal isn’t to please the masses but to make time to listen to their ideas, to acknowledge and appreciate them.”  Link to Blog

It is a well known fact that a logo and its tag line are often a company’s most valuable asset.  If you are a small business and don’t have an actual logo…you need to have one. If you have one but don’t use it…then make sure it’s the right one and start plastering it everywhere. If you are thinking about changing it…beware. Yes, you are the owner of your business, the founder, the master and commander. But changing your logo can have a big effect on your business…and not always a good one. Consult with your staff, peers and if possible, your customers.

For ideas on logos and branding, chat with Tania at www.tlsmarketingteam.com

Friday, January 14, 2011

Welcome to the world of blogs

I finally decided to start a blog. Felt like I was only saying bits and pieces on Twitter and Facebook. So here we go...watch this space.